Friday, April 17, 2009

::We want justice::

Mister Carlos Maldonado:

I am writing this to you because I want to express my total dissapointment with justice in Chile. I am really upset with the way that you resolve problems, that is not the correct way.

When someone commit a crime, he is send it to jail, but just for a few days and that is all. Then we can see that people free and doing the same thing that he did before. Do you think that is ok? I do not think so.

I know that is pretty difficult to organize everything, and I know that you have to do a lot of thing too, but don't you think that this is really important? It is shocking wehen we saw something like "A man kill her wife and his two kids" then send him to jail, they declare him like "mad" and it is free.

I think that you have to be careful with power, I mean, there are a lot of people with a lot of power, but they do not know how to use it. An example of this is judges, bescause I think that they are too light with senteces. So I do think that you have to do something about it.

Best regards

Fernanda Pérez


  1. that image seems to be from monopoly game!
    love you!

  2. power make people corrupted... :/

    i was to tell you the same that cata said!... xD
    take care darling!!

  3. i really like your post and i am totally agree with you!
    nice picture XD
    kiss and hugs


  4. you're totally right. I think this is like the most important topic people need to talk about.
    if most of us wrote about this it means that justice in chile really sucks.
