Friday, April 24, 2009

::Josita's Blog::

Today I am going to write about Josita's Blog. First of all, I have to say that it is beatiful! yes it is! Just because it exactly just like mine! Of course jajajaj
Well, I love dots, but colorful dots, actually muy bag is full of colorful dots, nice ha? I think that Josita have a really nice blog, with pictures and entries very interesting that talk about some differents topics, such a complain letter, she describes herserlf and actually she wrote about easter too, and put a nice picture about a little bunny with little eggs! so cute! I love it. Also everything have good content,I think, It is not boring at all.

I think that everyone can see that she is making an effort to pimp her Blog. Have you seen her orange'clock? It is really pretty! And I touch her to put ir there, but I have one with a little fish.

I do recomend this blog! Read it , I am sure that you are going to find some interesting things to comment with your friends. And maybe you would like to ask her about how she did such a nice blog, with all this little details, and maybe you can put it in your blog too! Trust me it not would be a waste of time.


  1. ohh!!
    I have never seen her blog!
    It look nice in the picture you upload!
    I'll have a look at it!!!

    See you!!

  2. I think those are called polka dots 8-) XD
    BTW LOL at "I have to say that it is beatiful! yes it is! Just because it exactly just like mine!" hahaha that's funny
