Saturday, March 28, 2009

::Improving Skills::

Well, I am not going to write about me thankfully. But instead of writte about me, I am going to writte about a great website that I visited. This website is great! we could find quizzes and a lot of exercises and so many thing that can really help us to improve our English: like grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. What I liked the most was repeating what they said before, I thing that it is a great way to improve our English pronuntiation, and also that is the thing that is harder for me.
I think that practice, practice and more practice is the only way that we can learn and improve, and I am not only talking about English, and talking about everything! Try it! is the best way to be the best!
You can visit this great website, do it now!:


  1. Hahaha It's kinda fun to read it because I have visited two or three other blogs and we all wrote basically the same LOL.

    Love; Addo.

  2. hohoho... I think the same!... =O
    I know you went to Radiohead! and I tolda ya that I hate you for that... (not in a literaly sense! of course!) but you're right, I went to maddona! :D
    regards!!!! ^^

  3. you're right fefa

    We have to practise everyday to get better.

    I think the same as Addo we all wrote the same think about this site.And that's because we all found a great site to learn a little bit more.



  4. I think practice is the escence to learn everything... if you don't give your hardest effort in learning and practicing, you are just wasting your time...

    but, practice is not the only way... I read your article, and I noticed some mistakes propper of writting fast... as and advice (and please don't be mad at me) when writting, do it slowly and being careful of what you are writting... take a look at your article and you'll know what I'm talking about...

    regards... me :D

    Willo :)

  5. i'm agree with adrian, your post is so Fefo style ! XD

    with the word "practice", I recalled the slogan "the practice makes the master" or something like that!
    we have to practice everyday!!!

    so when i talk in english with you, answer me in english, please ¬¬'

    that's all
    kisses and hugs

  6. Hey Fefo gay :p
    I think your article was the most emotive by far!
    so enthusiastic! hahaha
    To be honest, I think you were boring and you didn't know what to write and then: sorprise! (the new post by lala) XDDDD
    Anyway, if someone read this and he/she doesn't know you like me; it will believe in you and that's the important thing :P
